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Dr. Steve Ryan


  • Dr. Stephen J. Ryan has a doctorate in physical therapy and 28 years of experience. He is a certified orthopaedic manual physical therapist, and a strength and conditioning specialist.

Satisfied Patient


We use standardized testing procedures and evidence-based practices to ensure your best possible outcome

“With his help (mom) is doing things other physical therapists said would not be possible…”

BodyInfo: an owner’s manual for your body

BodyInfo is a resource that allows you to look up some common symptoms and conditions that physical therapists treat.  Click on BodyInfo to be taken to the list of symptoms and conditions.  Then click on each title to see the information for that topic.  Having a good understanding of your condition is an important part of healing.  Feel free to contact us with questions: call 510-547-7500, or click here to email us.   (Resource courtesy of the American Physical Therapy Association)